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Why buy an Aston Halo?

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However good your mic and interface are, poor room acoustics can spoil an otherwise great take - and let’s face it, not all of us work in properly treated studios. Halo turns pretty much any space into a natural sounding, professional recording environment. Unlike other reflection filters it features 360° coverage, dealing with floor and ceiling reflections, not just horizontal ones. It combines absorption with unique diffusion ribs, front and rear, to really keep things smooth.

Halo is used by countless top artists who know their vocal sound will be consistently on the money, wherever they are working.

Halo is extremely lightweight and quick‘n’easy to mount on any regular mic stand.


What else is cool?

Halo is available in Aston purple (Halo) or charcoal (Halo Shadow).

It’s made from patented, recycled PET felt so it’s also very eco-friendly.


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