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Scoring with Stealth - Composer, Producer and Musician Dave Anson

Category : Artists

Composer, producer and musician Dave Anson has produced music for some of the world’s biggest sporting events, including the US Open and the Olympics. He has also scored high-profile TV productions including Masterchef and Deal Or No Deal. He works out of his boutique recording facility, Glass Sound Studios, in Cumbria UK.

Dave’s microphone locker at Glass Sound features Aston Starlights, Spirits – which he recently used to record a 50 piece choir in a church – and the new Aston Stealth four-voice, passive/active dynamic mic, which seems to have made quite an impression:

“The Stealth is a dream, man! Everyone keeps comparing it to the SM7B. I have one of them and I prefer the Stealth. It’s just better…It’s cleaner, it’s warmer, it’s lovely.”

It’s great to hear Dave’s Aston mics are earning their keep!

Read our full exclusive interview with Dave Anson here.

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