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The man of many voices, James Arnold Taylor, with his Aston Origin

Category : Artists

If you don’t know James Arnold Taylor, you’ll know his voice, which has brought to life countless fictional screen legends from Fred Flinstone to Obi-Wan Kenobi, and has voice-doubled for actors including Johnny Depp, Michael J. Fox and Ewan McGregor among many others.

James is an actor, entertainer, motivational writer and one of the most versatile Voice-Actors in Hollywood today, as well as an established event host for Disney, LucasFilm, REEDPop, SquareEnix and the USO.

Running his own studios since the DAT and ADAT days, his microphone of choice these days - for his own podcast, ‘Talking to Myself’, and other projects - is the Aston Origin.

“I loved that the Origin was so transparent. I felt this was capturing what I was doing vocally. For singers that is so important, but for voice actors, it's crucial. When you're doing a voice, you want to hear that depth.”

We are proud to welcome James into the Aston family. He joins a growing number of broadcasters and voiceover artists who are choosing Aston Origin, Spirit and Stealth mics fr their work.

For a fascinating look into the world of the Hollywood voice artist, read our exclusive interview with James Arnold Taylor here.



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