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Robbie Williams' Christmas at home with Aston Mics

Category : Artists

Robbie Williams returned to his hometown and braved the elements to record this version of his Christmas track ‘Time For Change’ with his friends, and a couple of Aston condenser mics. Check it out, starting at 3:45…

The recording features as part of episode 109 of the singer’s Vloggie Williams series and took place on the pitch at Robbie’s beloved Port Vale F.C. in Burslem, Stoke-On-Trent, with an Aston Spirit on Robbie’s vocal and an Origin capturing the acoustic guitar.

We have to say, it’s a great choice of jumper Robbie’s wearing, and an even better choice of microphones.

Robbie will be performing at the ground on June 20th 2020, his ‘Live at Vale Park’ show bound to be a seriously hot ticket for RW fans.

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