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Have a butcher's at the new Aston Origin video

Category : Products

Cor, strike a light! If it isn’t a well-good mic that doesn’t cost a lot of bees and honey! Yes, we’ve gone all Cockney on the new Origin video…

Proudly made in Britain (Aston are the only mainstream mic company still manufacturing here), Origin was the brand’s first microphone, introduced in 2016 to wide industry acclaim. It was a handful of top UK producers who first discovered the warm, smooth and ‘British’ sound of the quirky-looking new mic. Now, just a few years on, it is a mainstay in countless major studios the world over and beloved by home studio-based musicians and singers who have discovered that world-class sound doesn’t have to cost the earth. As the video says. “It’s not the price, it’s the sound.”

Be sure to subscribe to the Aston YouTube channel here and cop a load of what’s to come. You won’t Adam and Eve it!


More on the Aston Origin


Origin vs Spirit - which is the best LDC for you?

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