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Aston Stealth nominated for Music Tech Mag's 'Gear of the Year' Award!

Category : Products

The Aston Stealth has been short-listed in the 2019 MusicTech 'Gear Of The Year' awards 2019. Stealth is in the running for Best Microphone, this is the latest award nomination for Aston’s latest groundbreaking microphone.

It’s that time of year again where Music Tech magazine are celebrating the best products in the arena of music technology from the last 12 months. With awards across 13 categories from soft synths to audio interfaces to hardware instruments. They are asking you to vote for your favourites. 

This year they even have a special 14th category which asks you to nominate your choice for ‘Product Of The Year’ in both hardware and software.

Since Stealth was released it has received an abundance of praise including, a maximum 5 stars by Gearslutz and nomination for a NAMM TEC award, Resolution magazine award and Sound on Sound award. It was even given 10/10 by Music Tech magazine! 

“The real beauty of the Aston Stealth is how easy it is to recommend it to almost anyone who records music.” Music Tech magazines Mike Hillier singing the Aston Stealths praises! 

“The Aston Stealth is a fantastic mic. The advantage of having four voicings should not be underestimated – it’s like having four microphones in one.”

Click here to cast your vote for the mic that everyone’s talking about!

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