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Aston Stealth featured on Twitch frontpage

Category : Artists

Yesterday, professional streamer PWNY Plays was featured on the homepage of streaming platform Twitch, brandishing his newly-upgraded microphone – none other than Aston Stealth

Every day, at any given time, more than a million people log onto Twitch.tv to watch their favourite gamers stream everything from Fortninte to Minecraft to Donkey Kong 64.

On this occasion, PWNY streamed Phoenix Labs' free-to-play action RPG Dauntless, raising money from donations for animal welfare charity Best Friends. The livestream received a total of over 350,000 viewers over the course of the day.

Catch PWNYplays live on Twitch here

Aston Stealth for gaming: https://www.astonmics.com/EN/product/Mics/Stealth/application/gaming-streaming


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