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Aston Origin used on Clive'N'Wrench Numskull game release

Category : Artists

Composer, musician and producer Kevin Wass has been working on the music and sound effects for his son, Rob’s, new game Clive’N’Wrench, a multi-level journey through time and space in a 1950's fridge, with backing from gaming giants Numskull.

Recording anything from guitars and violins to kitchen pots and pans, Kevin has used his Aston Origin throughout the project, working at his purpose-built studio, Wyshwood, in Cambridgeshire UK.

“It’s so usable it’s embarrassingly good! I’ve used it on all manner of things like tambourines, old kettles, things I bash - trays and various glass objects - and squeaky things. I can’t fail with it, it’s extraordinary.” Kevin told us.

He originally got the recording bug recording his friends’ bands and choirs in the 80’s, before building his own facility in the garden of his home. Recently all his available time has been spent on the game, for which he has recorded in the region of 120 songs.


Read the full interview here

Now available for pre-order, you can find out more about Clive ‘N’ Wrench here

For more information on the best-selling Aston Origin, click here

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