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Aston Microphones – CV-19 Status Update

Category : Brand

Keeping things running through challenging times


Dear Aston family

Firstly, BIG Love to all of you music makers out there… keep safe and stay creative. It’s been incredibly uplifting seeing how many people are finding ways to spread love the best they can while weathering the Coronavirus storm. Much respect to you all.

Our team is doing everything we can to stay safe and healthy, and to keep supporting our customers. The situation in the UK, as everywhere right now, is changing almost daily, so we’ll update you on a regular basis to any changes in the business.


Right now, we’ve been able to keep the majority of our team working from home (even our repairs dept.!), and our shipping team is working shifts on reduced days so we can keep everyone isolated, keeping business rolling ‘almost as usual’ (with the addition of a LOT of hand-washing and hand-gel 😊)… so HUGE thanks to our amazing team for pulling together to work apart.

There will inevitably be disruption particularly in retail stores where, as you will probably know, all but essential stores are now closed in many countries. Right now, though, a lot of mail order businesses remain fully operational, as does our supply for now.

If you are an Aston customer in need of assistance we will do our best to help you from our HQ (or rather our homes, in most cases now J).. it may take a little longer than usual, but we’ll get there, we promise.


You can contact our support team on 0845 500 2500 or email support@astonmics.com

For everything else please email enquiries@astonmics.com


We would like to say a huge thank you to all our friends; customers, artists, retail and distribution partners. Without you there would be no Aston Mics brand. Many of you, we know, are having difficult times and if there’s anything we can do to help you please get in touch.

We will keep you updated if anything changes.


Stay safe.

Big love from the Aston team


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